Current Projects

On this page, you can find the status of stories that I’m in the process of writing as well as other writing-related projects that I’m currently working on.

Updated as of 3/8/22

I haven’t updated here in a while. As some of you may know, the last book of the Convergence series, Wolfmother, came out in January of 2021, and you’re probably wondering what I’ve been working on since then. Well – the Convergence series – still. After Wolfmother’s release, I could still see that my old covers were really hamstringing my book sales. After lots of feedback, I decided it was time to update the covers. I contacted an AMAZING cover artist (SeventhStarArt) and commissioned all-new covers. I also wanted to go in and polish out any remaining typos and grammar issues so that when I updated the covers, my books would be as presentable as possible. That, unfortunately, took a lot longer than I’d have liked because in the middle of 2021, I had to move from Minnesota to Alabama, and after I moved to Alabama, my husband and I had a lot of medical issues going on that further delayed the final proofreading of those books. Finally, in December of 2021, I finished the last proofread and updated all the covers, and I’m happy to say the new covers have been well received and book sales have significantly improved. Thank you all so, so much!!!

The past few months have been a marketing whirlwind, but it’s finally time to move on from the Convergence series. I’m ready to begin a new project. Previously, I had tried my hand at a horror novel, but after a few chapters, I lost steam. I seem better suited to short horror than full-length novel horror. I may return to that manuscript at a later date, but for now, I’m itching to get back into fantasy romance. I’ve had a lot of great ideas and I’m raring to get started on my next fantasy romance novel. I look forward to bringing you this next adventure.

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