COVER REVEAL – All new covers for Torn Apart, Blood Bound, & Wolfmother!


Today is an exciting day because I’m finally unveiling the new covers for the Convergence series! All three books are available now in eBook and paperback. Hardbacks, and signed paperbacks and hardbacks featuring the new covers, will be coming very soon.

If you want to know when the signed copies with the new covers will be available (in paperback and hardback), please subscribe to my newsletter in the sidebar, or follow me on Instagram. The previous covers will be available for signed copies at a reduced price in my Etsy shop until stock runs out.

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All 3 books of the Convergence series now available in signed paperback!


Convergence Series

Signed paperback copies of Wolfmother, the Convergence series’s final book, have just been added to my official Etsy shop. All three books are now available in signed paperback, and, as a bonus, if you buy ANY of the signed copies of the Convergence series from my Etsy shop, I’ll send you a special link and password to a bonus steamy chapter involving everyone’s favorite bad-boy, Lord Anshar. Oh, you know you want it!

Get your signed copies today!

Read the full book 1 synopsis and see what reviewers have to say about the Convergence series on Amazon and Goodreads.

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Wolfmother (Book 3 of the Convergence series) available now in eBook & paperback!


Today, I am excited to announce that at long last, Wolfmother, the 3rd and final book of the Convergence series, is now available in eBook and paperback on Amazon!


Wolfmother is the final book of the Convergence series. Don’t miss out on the exciting conclusion!

Add Wolfmother to your to-read list on Goodreads!

Once you’ve finished reading Wolfmother, please feel free to check out these fun polls, where you can vote for the things you liked best about the Convergence series. You can find other extras about the Convergence series here.

Signed paperbacks of Wolfmother are on the way. A purchase of any signed paperback from the Convergence series will grant you access to exclusive bonus content, so please subscribe to this blog to be notified as soon as the Wolfmother signed paperbacks become available.

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How to Make Sure You NEVER Lose Your Writing


As a writer, my stories are my babies. If I lost one, I would be devastated. Like, slip into a severe depression and contemplate quitting as a writer altogether, kind of depression. I have known MANY fellow writers who have experienced this. Their hard drive dies with all their manuscripts on it, and they’re lost forever. Their physical notebook was left on the bus or destroyed when someone spilled a drink on it. Their flash-drive went missing. Their file became corrupted. Their cloud storage got hacked, or everything got cleared out. Nightmare scenario after nightmare scenario. I’ve heard of writers losing their life’s work in some of the most devastating and permanent ways, leaving them distraught and defeated. But, thankfully, I can say the worst I’ve ever had was losing maybe a few too many valuable paragraphs (usually due to always living in areas with brownouts and working from a desktop computer). I have never lost a significant amount of my work before, but the fear of that happening is real – very real! Fear of losing my work is right up there with my fear of losing teeth, June bugs, and lasers (some of my fears are weird). So how have I, who have been writing for 19 years, managed to avoid such calamity? Well, here is my system to ensure you NEVER EVER lose your writing.

Continue reading “How to Make Sure You NEVER Lose Your Writing”

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SPFBO5 Interviews for Torn Apart + Updates


Torn Apart is an entry in this year’s Self-Published Fantasy Blog-Off (SPFBO) and has recently been featured in a couple of new interviews.

You can read an author interview from the Qwillery here.

And you can read an interview of the character, Halea, from Torn Apart at The Protagonist Speaks here.

In other news, I’ve added a list of name pronunciations for the Convergence series to the Extras page.

Wolfmother, book three of Convergence, is currently at about 42%, and if the pace continues, I should have it finished before the end of the year, and I hope to release it in late spring or summer of 2020, so be sure to follow this blog for updates and the official release date.

As for new blog content, I’m currently very busy working on Wolfmother, so the blog has sort of taken a backseat. I have a huge list of topics that I’d like to write for the blog, but I’m not sure when I’m going to have a moment to break away from story writing to make new blog posts. My story writing comes first, and I don’t want to spoil the good momentum I’ve been having with Convergence to work on the blog at the moment, but I will get back to it as soon as I can.

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